Amish Chicken

If this is what the Amish eat all the time, their lives must be incredibly stress free because this chicken is crazy easy!! And so moist and delicious! There is really nothing to it and as long as you have the time to let this bake and basically take care of itself, you can easily make this for dinner even on a busy weeknight!!
This recipe comes from an old issue of the now defunct Gourmet magazine (sniff, sniff-I loved that magazine and some of my favorite recipes come straight from its pages). Gourmet adapted it it from Carol's Calico Kitchen, a cafe originally in Lexington, MN, but now in Blaine, MN. if this chicken is any indication of the food there, and you are ever in, or live anywhere near Blaine, I would go. If you do, let me know what you think.
This chicken basically bakes in a cream bath which is not as calorie laden or unhealthy sounding as it sounds since most of the cream falls to the bottom and what you are left with is just moist flavorful chicken without all the unwanted fat. Seriously, it's not greasy or heavy at all--amazing!
This is also a very versatile, home-cook friendly recipe. I made it with a whole cut up chicken, but you could easily sub in just chicken breasts or wings or thighs or even boneless chicken and it will all be good. You might just have to adjust the baking time a bit. And it would double or even triple well too.
You start by mixing flour with spices, then dredging the chicken in the flour mixture.
Then, you pour a mixture of heavy cream and water over the chicken and bake it till it's crispy and golden brown.
See what I mean? There's nothing to it--nothing to it but a great taste and an easy meal that's sure to please! Serve this with maybe some steamed broccoli and a big salad and you're good to go!
So instead of "Breaking Amish", let tonight be Making Amish and make this Amish Chicken! (Sorry, in case you don't know, Breaking Amish is a reality TV show on the Lifetime cable channel. I've never even seen it--this is just my lame attempt at humor-LOL!)
Amish Chicken
Serves 2-4 people
Prep Time: 10 minutes; Bake Time: 1 1/2-2 hours
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon white pepper
- 1/2 tablespoon salt
- 1 teaspoon paprika
- 1 chicken, cut up or 4 chicken breasts or thighs or whatever you want
- 3/4 cup heavy cream
- 3/4 cup water
The Recipe
1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Spray a large baking dish with Pam. Set aside.
2. In a wide mouthed bowl, combine flour, garlic powder, white pepper, salt and paprika. Rinse chicken and pat dry. Dredge chicken pieces in flour mixture, knocking off excess and place in baking dish, skin side up. Stir together cream and water and pour evenly over chicken.
3. Bake chicken in middle of oven for 1 1/2-2 hours until golden brown and crispy.