Happy Thanksgiving

No recipes today, I'm sure you're all busy cooking, traveling or just enjoying a day off. Anyone heading out to shop tonight? I sort of can't bear the thought of hitting crowded stores after a big holiday meal, but at the same time, I know there will be some great bargains. Maybe next year. Anyway, just wanted to wish you all a very Happy turkey-day! Hope it's filled with family, friends, happy times and of course, good food!!
Yesterday, I made my pies--today it's The Best Cornbread (a double batch) plus Cranberry Maple Pudding Cake and then we're off to celebrate. Can't wait!! It's my favorite holiday and as always, I have so much to be thankful for, first and foremost, my amazing, devoted and goofy family who make my life fun, rewarding and meaningful every day! There are no lengths they won't go through on my behalf. Take for example, this photo of Apple Crumble Pie (I promise to post it next week) that my oldest (home from CA at last!!) staged with my husband to take advantage of the wintery landscape--
And this behind the scenes one too--
So have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I'll be back tomorrow with a new recipe to usher in the holiday season.