Long Lost Guacamole Dip (and a planting project too)

I know I posted a dip yesterday but I'm just so excited about the resurfacing of this recipe that I had to share it with you. It's been lost for about 20 years now!! And with the big game coming up on Sunday, it's a timely find as well!
You'd think with all the excitement I'm expressing, that I'm a guacamole lover, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I actually don't really care for it much at all. Not so for my husband, though. Early on in our dating, we went to a Mexican restaurant and he loved the guacamole dip they served. Being young and in love and wanting to impress him with my culinary skills, I found this recipe for guacamole, made it and presented it to him. Suffice it to say, he married me! Anyway, I made it regularly for several years for him and for parties etc. and everyone loved it. Somehow though, between moving several times and having several children, the recipe got misplaced and try though I did, I could never properly recreate it. But a few days ago I was cleaning out a closet and found it scribbled on a piece of paper in a folder. I rushed out to buy avocados and then had to let them ripen...
Finally, finally they were ripe enough and I promptly threw the whole thing together. It's so easy. Basically you just mash the avocados with a bit of lemon juice, add in some chopped onions, tomatoes, softened cream cheese, some spices and a few drops of hot sauce and you're done.
The ironic part of this saga is that my husband is away on business all week so he can't even get a nip of it now, but my son James loved it, and has already requested that I make it again. I guess it's genetic! Anyway, I'm planning on serving up a new batch for the game on Sunday.
But wait--there's more! It's a fun DIY project for that my mom used to do with us when we were kids. Once, you've removed the avocado pit from the avocado, you rinse it off and dry it. Then you take 4 toothpicks and insert them a little way in to 4 sides of the pit. (My mom kindly lent her creative talents here).
Next, making sure the flat end is down--
You place the toothpicked pit into a small glass of water and set it on the windowsill.
Now you just let it sit for a few weeks, replacing the water that evaporates, until roots grow. Eventually when it gets larger, you can transplant the seedling to a pot with some dirt. My sisters and I always loved watching the pit take root and I'm sure my nieces and kids will too. I'll keep you posted on the progress!
Long Lost Guacamole Dip (and a planting project too)
Makes about 4 cups
Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
- 2 ripe avocados, peeled
- 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
- 1 8oz. brick of cream cheese, softened
- 1/4 cup finely chopped onion
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
- 3-4 drops hot sauce
- 1 cup chopped tomatoes
The Recipe
1. In a medium sized bowl, mash the avocados with the lemon juice. Mix in cream cheese, onion, salt, garlic salt and hot sauce, stirring well until combined. Press any clumps of cream cheese against the side of the bowl, so that they get mashed up into the dip. Stir in the tomatoes and serve with tortilla chips.
2. Dip keeps for several days in an airtight container in the refrigerator.