Creamy Raspberry Lemonade Popsicles

So...somebody went strawberry picking this weekend and bought about 8 pounds of the most amazingly luscious, gorgeous berries and I've been baking with them all weekend. Why then, you are mostly likely asking yourself, is she posting a popsicle that features raspberries?!! Well, the thing is, I made these incredibly delicious and refreshing pops last week but didn't get a chance to post them yet and with the heat wave that's about to descend upon us (and that other parts of the country have already been dealing with) I thought it was high time to get these out to you, strawberry overload or not. But be prepared--many things strawberry will be hitting these pages soon!
Meanwhile, I can't say enough about how much I adore the flavor combination of these eye-catching popsicles--maybe because I'm too busy catching the drips right now!! They're tart and slightly sweet with just the right ration of iciness to creaminess. And fairly healthy for you too! And easy to make, with ingredients you most likely have in the house but are seriously contemplating running out right now for, if you don't. Right?!!
These are so perfectly summery. If a glass of icy cold lemonade spiked with fresh raspberries sounds good to you right about know, you will find these heavenly! So as the temps heat up, don't wait for the ice cream truck to come down your street--make these yourself and start cooling off today--by the rate at which these disappeared from my freezer, I guarantee they'll be a hit in your house too!
Creamy Raspberry Lemonade Popsicles
Makes about 10 pops
Prep Time: 10 minutes; Freeze Time: Several hours
1/4 cup sugar
The zest of 1 medium-sized lemon
1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 2 lemons)
1 1/2 cups plain or vanilla low-fat yogurt
6 ounces fresh raspberries (if berries are large, cut them in half to fit in the popsicle molds
The Recipe
1. Place the sugar and lemon zest in a medium bowl and use your fingers to rub the zest into the sugar so that the oils from the zest are released and the sugar is infused with the lemon. Stir in the lemon juice and yogurt well. Transfer the mixture to a measuring cup with a spout.
2. Place a few raspberries in each ice pop mold. Pour some of the lemon/yogurt mixture over them and then place a few more berries in each mold. Pour over more of the mixture and add more berries to create layers. Cover with foil or the lid, add the sticks and freeze for several hours until frozen through. Run mold under hot water to loosen pops.
Note: Recipe adapted from The Slow Roasted Italian. I prepared these a little differently and used low-fat vanilla yogurt rather than plain full-fat.