My 12 Favorite Flourless Desserts (so far)

Normally around this time of the year, I'd be doing lots of flourless baking experimentation in preparation for the holiday. But this year, without a kitchen and the fact that I'm traveling a heck of a lot, I haven't been able to spend any time baking. Boo-hoo for me!! Can't wait to get my kitchen back and put my new stoves into action but until then I thought I'd share some of my favorite flour-free desserts that have already been posted here on Unwritten Recipes. There are cookies, cakes, candy and even a pudding. And all are so good, they deserve to be made all year round. So without further ado and in no particular order, here are my top 12 favorite flourless Passover-friendly desserts. By the way, these would be amazing for Easter as well or really anytime!! Enjoy and happy holidays!!
1. Chocolate Swirled Meringues
4. Chocolate Dipped Coconut Macaroons
5. Gale's Coconut Chocolate Tartlets
6. Meringues with Walnuts and Chocolates
7. Can't Believe These Are Gluten-Free Brownie Cookies
10. Raspberry Chocolate Truffle Ice Cream Cake
11. Chocolate Almond Matzo Brittle