Some Healthyish Ideas for the New Year

…And we’re back! Happy 2020!! Sorry for the long hiatus—whew, it’s been busy—what with catching up with family, getting our house ready for the Big Sell, dealing with a lovely little bout of strep throat on New Year’s Eve (ugh!), and returning a certain someone to college, but it’s back to business now. Missed you guys!!
How do you feel about resolutions? I’m all for self improvement (lord knows I need some) but in terms of foodie ones, I just can’t get behind any really restrictive diets, like the very popular intermittent fasting fad or something like Whole 30, where I can’t have any sugar😂😂. Don’t mean to knock them if they work for you, but for me, dealing with the post-holiday decadence, is more about returning to good, clean, low-carbish foods.
So that’s what I’ve got for you today-a list of some of my tried and true favorites over the years for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks that keep me happy, healthy and hopefully lighter too!
Here’s hoping they help you achieve whatever goals you’ve set!
These are more for the weekend— most weekdays, I just eat a couple of eggs or some yogurt with fruit
I generally work from home, so for lunch, I’ll just heat up a cup of soup (I generally make the zucchini one once a week) or reheat leftovers, but all of these would work well if you need to go the brown bag route. Plus a cup of soup or a little bowl of one of the salads makes a great late-afternoon snack!
Light and Easy Sweet Potato and Apple Soup
Easy Rustic Greek Chicken and Lemon Soup
All of these are heavy on the veggies with lean protein. Another thing I’ll do when I’m short on time, is to make a big very simple salad and either top it with roasted veggies and/or a fried egg or two. The mix of the hot topping with the cold salad is a big time winner!!
Thai Steak Salad with Chile-Lime Dressing
Noodle-Free Soy Glazed Beef, Green Beans and Bean Sprouts
One-Pot Vinegar Chicken with Onions and Roasted Mushrooms
Chicken, Pepper and Onion Lettuce Wraps
Baked Coconut Chicken and Arugula Salad
Easy Lemony Caramelized Brussels Sprouts
I am a huge believer in having a little bit of dessert every day. If I go cold turkey, I’m more apt to binge but if I know I can have a little something when I’m being “good”, then all is right with the world. Usually, it’s just a handful of dark chocolate chips but sometimes it’s one of these graham crackers or this chocolate sorbet. It’s all about the balance or at least that’s what I keep telling myself!!