The Best of Unwritten Recipes 2020: 24 Of Our Favorites

Whew! What a year!! I’m pretty sure that you (like me) are extremely tired of thinking about all of the craziness we’ve gone through over these last 12 months, so what do you say we just don’t talk about all that’s happened and instead skip right to the food?
Still with me? Great!! Welcome to the annual best of Unwritten Recipes roundup, where my home judges and I agonizingly choose 12 standout savory and 12 standout sweet dishes that I’ve cooked up over the course of the year and deem them our particular favorites.
Naturally, homemade bread was a biggie, as well as lots of simple comfort foods, as we all played the stay-at-home-and-cook-for-everyone day after day after day… but who’s counting?!!
In any case, all of these are recipes I would happily make again, which is really saying something because I get bored very easily and am always on the hunt for something new. Hoping you feel the same way about them too!
Now, without further ado, and in no particular order, I present the best of Unwritten Recipes 2020!
Have a very happy new year!! Thanks for sticking with me through this and all the other years. I’m truly grateful for you all!!! Stay safe, healthy and well-fed and I’ll be back in 2021 (boy does it feel good to type that 1 at the end!) with more food and fun!!xoxoxo