Use Up The Panko Chicken

Selling a house today is not what it was 20 years ago. Back in the pre-HGTV days, you cleaned, put the toys away and that was pretty much it. Now, people expect more (and maybe they should since house prices have gone crazy through the roof since then!!) and there is what is known as “staging”, aka bending over backwards to make your house look perfect in a way that nobody in their right minds could possibly sustain. And when I say house, I mean the entire house, even the closets (you should see the current Martha Stewart-like precision of my linen closet, courtesy of my mom, thank you very much!) This attention to detail applies to kitchen pantries as well, which are expected to look neat, thoroughly organized and not too crowded, presenting a problem for people like me, who are not especially neat or organized and who cannot pass up a sale on ketchup or chicken broth or panko. At this moment, there are 6 large ketchups, 7 cartons of broth and 8 cans of panko in there and I have spent many a night lying awake, slightly panicked as to how to use them all up so we can sell our house! 😘
So what a godsend it was last week to discover this recipe that not only needs 2 cups of panko but is so amazingly delicious and easy that it seriously tops my list of all-time favorite chicken breast recipes!!
And it’s baked, so there’s no greasy frying involved (which I’m sure is a house-selling no-no too!) but has an amazing, seems-like-it’s-fried crunch!
And, it’s super simple and quick which makes it an easy weeknight meal that is guaranteed to please.
The secret is a quick sautéing of the panko in olive oil so that they get golden brown. Can’t believe I never tried it before!
To keep the chicken tender, you coat it in a mixture of mayo, mustard and egg yolk before covering it with the toasted panko.
Then, you cook it on high heat for about 15-20 minutes and voila, dinner is served! Every bite is perfectly cooked and filled with so much crunch and flavor. I promise it’ll quickly become one of your go-to meals…even if you don’t have cans and cans of panko to use up!
Now, anyone have ideas for what to do with the ketchup?!!!
Use Up The Panko Chicken
Makes 5-6 servings, this would double well
Prep Time: 10 minutes; Bake Time: 15-20 minutes
1 large egg yolk
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
Black pepper
1 ½ skinless boneless chicken breasts
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups panko
The Recipe
1. Center a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 450ºF. Place a wire rack inside a rimmed baking sheet and set aside.
2. If chicken breasts are thicker than ½ inch, slice them lengthwise to get thinner cutlets. Set aside.
3. In a shallow, large bowl, whisk together the egg yolk, mayo, mustard, salt and a pinch or two of pepper. Add the chicken to the bowl and toss to coat with the mixture.
4. Heat the oil in a medium skillet and a little pinch of the panko. If it bubbles, the oil is hot enough. Add the rest of the panko and let cook for about 5 minutes, stirring often, until panko is golden brown. Remove from the heat and let cool about 5 minutes.
5. Dip the coated chicken pieces, one at a time, into the panko, pressing down to allow the crumbs to stick well to the chicken and place the pieces on the wire rack, trying to space them evenly apart.
6. Bake the chicken for 15-20 minutes, until the chicken is a deep, golden brown on the outside and fully cooked through on the inside. Serve immediately or let cool and serve at room temperature. Cooked chicken will last in an airtight container for several days in the fridge and is great for sandwiches and salads.
Note: Recipe adapted from Bon Appetit Magazine. I tinkered with the proportions a little and cooked the chicken longer too—there’s also a sauce that was served alongside—as you might imagine, I used ketchup!