A Small and Hopefully Not Overwhelming Thanksgiving Roundup-2022

Hiya, my friends! How did it get to be mid-November?!! Time just seems to be racing out of control, as in Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK!!!! But hey, no reason to panic or sweat the small stuff, right? Normally, I’d have had a big turkey day roundup of recipes out to you weeks ago, but since that ship has sailed plus the fact that my inbox is loaded with everybody else’s recipe roundups, I thought I’d keep it very small and manageable this year and just share the few dishes I plan on including. And anyway, you probably already have your menu down pat, but if not…
We’re going to my sister Ali’s which means I thankfully am not responsible for the turkey (thank god, because I’ve actually never made one myself being that my mom is queen of turkey and gravy) and am only going to be bringing some sides and dessert. And we’re not a huge group this year either, mostly cause only one of our children loves us enough to come home for the holiday (no, just kidding, the others are spending it with their significant others’ family or have to be on call and I’m not bitter at all about it, can’t you tell?)
Okey-dokey, here’s what I’ve been tasked with….
HOMEMADE WHOLE BERRY CRANBERRY SAUCE—this is so much better than any canned kind you can buy, super easy to make and you can prepare it days ahead!
WILD MUSHROOM AND BRIOCHE STUFFING—my family would disown me if I showed up to any Thanksgiving without this. It does require you to make your own brioche but again you can do this days before and it is out of this world fantastic! Truly one of the best stuffings and best dishes I have ever made!!
THE BEST CORNBREAD—I ❤️ cornbread big time! And while it’s not absolutely necessary, I really love having it and the fact that there’s usually leftovers!! So good toasted with butter the next morning for breakfast!
APPLE CRUMB PIE—this is a huge family favorite and just feels so right for the holidays. It’s time consuming but I really only attempt it once a year.
TRIPLE CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE WITH OREO CRUST—everyone voted for this at a recent family gathering and I love it cause I can make it a day ahead. Plus, it’s chocolate!!
HOMEMADE PHILADELPHIA STYLE ICE CREAM—for the apple pie of course! And once you start making your own, no one is entirely happy with store-bought again.
CAYA’S COOKIES—for the dog who strangely doesn’t care about food but gobbles down these cookies. Everybody deserves a treat, right?!!
FLAT CHEWY HEATH BAR CHOCOLATE CHUNK COOKIES—buttery, luscious and indulgent. I always make these around Thanksgiving because of course we need more!
SUSIE’S MAPLE PECAN THINS since I’m not making a pecan pie this year, I think we at least need one nutty cookie.
Hope this helps or at least doesn’t undermine😘